Fitting the Duckworks Landing light.
There are a number of different landing lights available
- Vans do one that fits in the wing tip, but your wing tips must be
after August 2006. Duckworks also do a high power version of this
landing lamp. This is the standard halogen landing light kit.
Umm, nice unmarked wing skin!!!
The landing light goes in the last bay.
The plan - read it 10 times. Which way up?
The plan said 2.5" from the rivet seam. As I didn't want to bend my ruler
around the leading edge to draw the line I used some scrap metal.
Here I decided to tape the section to cut out on the panel rather than the
other half of the plan.
Well it's aligned. I have drawn around it. What next?
Slightly blurred this picture - perhaps I was shaking having just cut a load
of holes in my nice wing?
Ahh, I have a big hole in my wing!!!
A tidier hole now....
This is a cardboard template to drill three holes - A, B and optionally C.
This is the back plate and landing light.... well actually it's a car spot
lamp that I took to bits!
Three holes drilled - what is it with blurred pictures!
More holes in the skin. This time to hold the lamp lense in place. ONLY drill
the middle hole for the screws. The others are for the nutplates on
this part (blue) that fits behind the lense.
Drilling the nut plate holes for the lamp holder/back.
Look I use solid rivets. The kit was supplied with blind rivets - but I have
a small squeezer that would fit in the wing.
Lense in. I have plexiglass drills so I used those in a slow battery
As you can see here the lense is big and needs trimming.
My trim marks. I have decided not to trim any off the sides.
Lamp holder fitted into wing.
The lamp lense holder comes in two parts. I have primed the joint only as
I will paint it all later.
I used AD3-3.5 to fix the two parts.
Trial fit of the lense with screws.
The lamp lense holder comes in two parts. I have primed the joint only as
I will paint it all later.
Lamp lense fitted to holder.
Lamp fitted in wing.
The lamp lense holder comes in two parts. I have primed the joint only as
I will paint it all later.
The two plates need to be stuck to the lense, as you can't hold them in place when fitting
All fitted. Approx 7 hrs to fit.
I will be removing and painting the lamp holder and the wing cavity later.